Dr. Mamta Shrivastava

Name Dr.Mamta Shrivastava
Degree M.Sc.,Ph.D.
Occupation Associate Professor
Expertise Inorganic Chemistry
Address A.P.13,A.P. Colony,Govt.Science College,Jabalpur
Phone 9425163232
Email mamta.shrivastava59@gmail.com

 Professional Qualification

Degree Institution/University Year of Passing
B.Sc. Govt. P.G. College, Balaghat 1979
M.SC. Govt. P.G.College, Balaghat 1981
Ph.D. Chemistry Department, UTD, R.D.V.V., Jabalpur 2000


Articles in Journals

Sl.No Title Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos ISSN No. Year Published
1 Studies of Coord. Polymers Ind.Journ.of Chemistry Vol.24A,pp72-73 1985
2 Microdetermination of Indole derivs Research Journal of Science,RDVV Vol 1(2),pp 175-178 1994
3 Analysis of anticancer drug 6 mercaptopurine as Ruthenium complex Eastern Analytical Symposium,USA ACC.No.17 1999
4. Spectroscopic &Analytical Studies of palladium complex with Penicillamine


Vislesna Vol.10B,PP67-71 2006
5 Analysis of antihypertensive drug Captopril as its Palladium complex Vislesna Vol.11,pp82-84 2007
6 Penicillamine: Determination, Spectral, and  Antibacterial studies as Ruthenium Complex Oriental Journal of Chemistry


ISSN 0970-020X Vol.28(4)1711-1724 2012


Seminars/ Conferences/ Symposium

National Workshops-07
National Seminars-04
National Conferences-04
Staff  Training Programmes-08