Dr. Manila Bhatia

Personal Profile

HIGHEST DEGREE PhD (Biotechnology)
DESIGNATION Guest Faculty (Against Vacant )              Department of Botany and Microbiology
EXPERTISE/SPCIALISATION “Physiological and Molecular Characteristics of winter maize (Zea mays L.) and weed (Chenopodium album L.) at elevated CO2 and temperature”
ADDRESS H.No.213, Chhoti Omti, Jay Prakash Narayan Ward, Jabalpur (M.P.) India-482002
PHONE +91-9425867337 (Mb no. and Whatsapp),           +91-9131652695 (Mb no. and Whatsapp)
EMAIL manila.bhatia@gmail.com


  1. Qualification

2.1 Professional Qualification

Name Programme Institution/University Year of Passing
Master  M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

Punjab Technical University, Jallandhar (Punjab), India.

PhD  Ph.D.


Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur (M.P.) 2022


2.2 Other Qualification

Name Programme Institute/University Year
Masters MBA (HR) IGNOU, Jabalpur 2008-10
Bachelors B.Ed RDVV, Jabalpur 2012-13
  BIT (Bachelor’s of Information Technology) Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Karnataka 2000-03
Post Graduate Diploma Post Graduate Diploma in NanoBiotechnology (PGDNBT) Life Science Foundation of India, Moregeri, Karnataka 2009
Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma in Applied Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Institute of India (BII), Noida 2007
Cerificate Program General Course on Intellectual Property World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). 2007


  1. Research Profile

3.1Projects Completed & Ongoing

Minor/Major Project Title Funding agency & amount  Duration
Not Applicable


3.2 PhD Guidance

Name Title Year of Awarded
Not Applicable    



3.3 Research Publications

S.No Title Name of Journal / Vol. No. / Issue No. / Page Nos ISSN No. Year of Publication
1 Effect of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on grain quality of Rabi maize or winter maize cv. Raashi 4212. Agricultural Research Journal. 59(1):44-51 10.5958/2395-146X.2022.00008.4 2022
2 Impact of elevated carbon dioxide and elevated temperature on growth and yield response of winter (rabi) maize. Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences (RRJAAS).10 (4):21-33.              – 2021
3 Elevated CO2 and temperature effect on growth and physiology of Chenopodium album L. Annals of plant and soil Research. 23 (3):267-278.              – 2021
4 Anti-mitotic effect of Lumerax and Curcumin on onion root tip system Advance Pharmaceutical Journal. 5(4): 123-128              – 2020
5 Effect of Elevated CO2 and temperature effect on growth and physiology of two Physalis species, Indian Journal of Weed Science. 50(2):163-173.              – 2018
6 A Pharmacological Comprehensive Review on Chenopodium album L.  ) (Review Paper) International Journal of Current Research, 12, (12), pp.15360-15368, December, 2020              – 2020


Number of Programmes attended

Status Conference/



Workshop Training program/


National ·      National Conference on “Current Trends in Plant

Sciences” organized by Department of Botany, Abasaheb Marathe Arts and New Commerce, Science College, Rajapur. on Thursday, 29th February 2024.



·    One day online workshop on “NAAC: Pionning, Preparation and Execution

·    National Online Workshop On

SPSS in Research – 12,13,14 December 2023


·         One week Online National level Faculty Development Program on”Exploring the Educational Potential of CHATGPT” from 11th to 17th December 2023

·         Faculty Development Programme on Environmental Science,

Sustainable Agriculture and Human Health (ESSAHH) 06th February 2024 to 10th February 2024.









Sl.No Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1. Awarded Best research poster (IIIrd Position) in Oral Poster Presentation on                “Climatic Change Impacts on Weed Diversity National Seminar on Environmental Conservation: Issues and Strategies Department of Botany, Microbiology, Zoology and Biotechnology, Govt. M.H. College of Home Science & Science for Women, Jabalpur (M.P.) and Mahakaushal Vigyan Parishad 17th and 18th March 2018.


In charge of committee Members of committee Duration
Admission Duty 11 July 23 – Jan 2024
Jansunwai Aug  23- till date

Note: All entries should be of last five years